A Stainless Steel Cat Read online

Page 4

  Royce moaned in pleasure as she rode him slowly. Her fingers were stroking her clit slowly as she ground down on him, rotating her hips side to side and back and forth. Her pussy muscles squeezed and released him over and over rhythmically.

  "I can't hold back, Tam!" Royce shouted between gritted teeth, knowing there was no force on Earth that could stop what was going to happen next.

  "Come, baby." Tam cooed. "Come up in me, baby! Don't hold back, honey! Give momma that cum!"

  Her dirty talk was the final trigger, and Royce shouted wordlessly as he released. His cock erupted inside her, and he bucked his hips with each salvo he fired out of his cock. His cum filled her even more, and she felt it as his blasts hit her cervix.

  The slow sensual fuck, and the combination of her fingers on her clit and his big beautiful cock filling her with his seed pushed Tam over the edge too, and her pussy clamped down on him.

  "OOOOOOHHHHH FUUUUCCCKKKK!" She screamed as she came around him, her beautiful body convulsing and shuddering on top of him. Her mouth opened in a wide O shape, and she collapsed onto him, holding him tight to her as her breasts crashed into his chest.

  Royce's arms went around her and held her to him, stroking her back as her orgasm crashed over her like breakers on the shore.

  As she came down, he tilted her head up from his shoulder and kissed her lovingly. Their tongues caressed each other slowly, just feeling without thinking, each other's body pressed to theirs.

  * * *

  Darnell Dutton was sitting in the holding cell still, resting his big arms on his knees as he waited for his boss to show up and bail him out. 'Fuck that ho and her cracker boyfriend! I got somethin' for both of 'em when I get the fuck outta here!' He thought vengefully. 'Who the fuck she think she messin' with?' He kept thinking. 'She's mine, and she ain't gonna give it up to some punk ass cracker and get away with it!'

  Just then his cell opened, and he looked up at the guard. "You made bail, Dutton." The cop jerked his thumb over his shoulder and motioned with his head that he was a free man.

  "About damn time!" Darnell growled as he got up from the bench and walked out of the door and down the hall with the cop right behind him.

  The hearing had been quick, but Mr. Wolfe's lawyer managed to get bail for him. His Boss always looked out for his boys, as he called them. His Enforcers were fiercely loyal for a reason. Mr. Wolfe treated them all like family.

  When his effects were returned, and he was shown out the front door, the limo was waiting already. The driver stood by the back door, and as Darnell walked down the steps of the courthouse, opened the door for Darnell to enter.

  The big man stepped inside, and took the seat opposite his boss. He looked at the thin mustache and piercing coal black eyes of his boss, and knew the man wasn't happy about this.

  "What the hell were you thinking, D?" Mr. Wolfe said in a cold voice. He continued before Darnell could respond. "You weren't thinking. Now, have I not treated you like family?"

  "Yes, sir, Mr. Wolfe." Darnell responded respectfully. "I'm sorry, sir. My girl decided to fuck around on me."

  "That's no excuse, son." Mr. Wolfe's tone had softened a bit, but still held a hard enough edge. "I like you, Darnell. You're a good asset. But if this happens again, I will leave you to rot. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, sir." Darnell lowered his head to avoid his Boss's glare. "It won't happen again, sir."

  "Good. You will leave Tamara alone. You know I don't pass judgment on your personal life normally, but the way you've treated her over the past few months has been disgraceful, and reflects poorly on you and me. As your employer, I will not tolerate domestic violence. I have talked to Camille, and she has informed me of what happened." Mr. Wolfe finished. Darnell tensed up at the mention of Tam's sister, and his hands clenched into fists.

  "What did that bitch say? If she said what Tam told her, then she's lyin'!" Darnell shouted.

  "Don't raise your voice to me, D." The ice cold tone was back in Mr. Wolfe's voice. "Camille works for my attorney, as you know, and she is a friend of mine. She and her sister are not to be harmed. If you so much as look at them sideways, I will start considering you a liability."

  Darnell shut up at that, and let his anger fade for the moment. Having personally executed the last man that Mr. Wolfe considered a liability, he knew he had better bide his time on this one. His only consolation was that Mr. Wolfe hadn't said anything about that Royce fool. He had something special planned for that cracker!

  "I understand, sir." Darnell said when he trusted his voice enough to say it without anger.

  Mr. Wolfe smiled warmly. "Good. I would hate to consider you a liability, D. You're a good soldier, and I always reward good soldiers. In fact, take your pick from the Club, and she's yours as long as you want her and she says yes."

  Darnell perked up at that. He'd been fucking Celestia from the Club for the past six months behind Tam's back. Celestia let him fuck her ass, where Tam never did.

  "Celestia, sir. She's hot, and I like her." Darnell said with a smile. He had some anger to work out, and Celestia liked it rough anyway.

  Mr. Wolfe nodded. "As long as she says yes, she's yours."

  It was a quirk of Mr. Wolfe's that he always required consent from people for a deal to go through. Voluntary and without fear of reprisal if they said no. It was one reason his people were so loyal, and business partners were glad to do business with him. He didn't turn his people into slaves. All non-combatants, as he called them, were always given a choice as to who they dated and what they would do for him. He basically kept his operation running by being a good man to his people instead of being the tyrant a lot of Mafia types preferred to be. He ruled by respect instead of fear.

  "Thank you, sir. I promise that I won't let you down again." Darnell nodded to his Boss.

  "I know you won't, D." Mr. Wolfe smiled. "I give second chances. Third chances are extremely rare, as in non-existent. Remember that."

  "I will, sir." Darnell liked his Boss. He respected the man. But when he next saw that shitcracker Royce, he was going to kill the punk.

  * * *

  Royce and Tam had spent the entire day in bed, making love, fucking, and just enjoying each other. They only took breaks for food and a shower together, which had led to even more sex.

  Her naked body was entwined with his as they lay together on his bed, and she kissed his lips lightly. "Are you planning on college, baby?" She asked.

  As a matter of fact, Royce really hadn't given it much thought. But since he had his transcripts, he could apply and get accepted pretty much anywhere, thanks to his decent grades. "I'll be honest. I really wasn't a few weeks ago, but I've been thinking a lot about it recently." He shrugged. "I mean, I make pretty good money as a consultant, but yeah."

  Tam had a suspicion about him, but didn't want to sound accusing. "You know, it's pretty rare for someone as young as you are to be a security consultant." She smiled and chuckled as she said it.

  "Well, I'm good at sneaking around, and have been for years." He smiled wryly as he admitted that. "Up until the age of 11, the nuns and priests would catch me sneaking in and out of the orphanage."

  "What about after the age of 11?" Tam asked as she kissed him again.

  "They stopped catching me. I audition for each gig I do. As a freelance, that's my living, so I have to be the best." Royce winked at her and kissed her lovingly.

  "Mmmmm." She moaned into his kiss, their tongues once again dancing together. She could believe it. He moved like a shadow, swiftly and silently. If she didn't know better, she would swear he had Special Forces or Ninja training.

  "Remember, we have to go to the courthouse in the morning, baby." Tam reminded him as they lay there after another round of lovemaking.

  "Ugh, don't remind me." He said in mock disgust. "Yeah, I remember." He smiled at her when she gave him a Look. He wasn't looking forward to Monday morning at the courthouse. Tam's phone rang a moment later.

's up, sis?" Tam asked as she hit the Talk button.

  "Darnell just made bail." Cammie reported. "Mr. Wolfe bailed him out, but made it clear to him that he wasn't to go anywhere near you."

  "Shit, well I hope Mr. Wolfe can keep his dog on a leash. Otherwise, I am not gonna be sleeping tonight!" Tam said, and Royce raised an eyebrow behind her at the mention of Mr. Wolfe.

  Royce knew about Mr. Anthony Wolfe, real estate mogul and Mafia kingpin. He had a reputation for being fair to his own people as well as fair in his business deals. However, he was ruthless when crossed, and those who wanted to rat him out were never seen or heard from again. Royce had decided not to try to rob Anthony Wolfe, as it would not be conducive to his continued existence. Besides, Mr. Wolfe had friends on the Police Force, from what he'd heard, and he was well respected by the community at large.

  Sure, he ran numbers and sabotaged real estate competitors. He also sold Protection, but his Protection was real. If anyone actually suffered an attack while under his protection, the response was swift and brutal, and he took care of those who paid him. Compared to a lot of Bosses Royce had heard about, Wolfe was a Saint.

  "Well, as long as you have your new Man there to protect you, I'm pretty sure Darnell ain't gonna be a threat." Cammie giggled. The volume was up loud enough for Royce to hear, and he couldn't help smiling when she called him Tam's Man.

  "Shit, Cammie! Royce is sweet and all, but I don't know if he'd be able to take Darnell." She looked at him with a worried expression, and stroked his cheek as he smiled at her reassuringly.

  "Don't worry, Cammie." Royce said so she could hear. "Darnell isn't going to get anywhere near Tam while I'm around."

  Tam smiled and put the phone on Speaker.

  "Thanks, Royce. You two are in bed, aren't ya?" Cammie giggled, making Tam and Royce blush a bit.

  "What makes you say that?" Tam asked innocently.

  Cammie laughed loudly. "Shit, girl! You think I didn't notice you two givin' each other the Fuck Me Eyes when I was there?"

  "Yeah, you got us. We just got done fucking each other good and hard, bitch." Tam rolled her eyes, her tone dripping with sarcasm for her sister's benefit. She winked at Royce as she said it, and he had to restrain a laugh.

  "And you KNOW that ain't gonna work! I want details later! Anyhow, I just wanted to let ya'll know that Darnell's out and might be on the warpath." Cammie's tone had turned serious as she gave them the actual warning.

  "If Darnell's smart, he will stay away from Tam." Royce said, his tone turning cold. He'd never considered murder before, but Darnell was one guy who really deserved to stop breathing.

  "Royce, hon. I like you a lot. Told ya he was a keeper, Tam." Cammie giggled, then turned serious. "But seriously, Royce. I like you, and I hope Darnell doesn't try to take it out on you when he sees you again. Trust me on this, he's gonna try for you eventually."

  Royce was now really angry, but more than that, he felt his resolve hardening into pure steel. "Let him try." Royce said simply.

  Tam looked at her new boyfriend in shock. She knew there was a lot about him she didn't know, but she really didn't expect this. She didn't see a cold blooded killer, though. She saw a man who wanted nothing more than to protect her, and the look in his eyes was compassionate as well as resolved.

  "In that case, I wish you luck, honey." Cammie said. "Sis, I know you guys are going tomorrow to file your depositions, and I'll meet you there along with Jared."

  "Ok, Cammie. I hope Jared doesn't screw this up for us." Jared Hartman was Mr. Wolfe's attorney, and the man who had bailed Darnell out of jail.

  "He won't. He knows how Darnell can be, and will probably urge him to take a plea deal." Cammie said. "Ok, see you guys tomorrow."

  "Bye, sis."

  "Bye, Cammie." Tam and Royce said in unison just before Tam hung up the phone.

  "So, Darnell works for your sister's boss's boss?" Royce asked, already knowing the answer. He knew from the News that Jared Hartman was Anthony Wolfe's lawyer.

  "Something like that, yeah." Tam said sheepishly.

  "There's more to it, isn't there?" He asked, stroking her cheek tenderly.

  "Yeah. Darnell is Mr. Wolfe's number 1 Enforcer." Tam said softly.

  "Wow, he must not have a lot of talent on staff if Darnell's the best he's got." Royce joked with a smirk, and made Tam laugh as she remembered how he'd gone toe to toe with Darnell and held his own.

  "My hero!" Tam snuggled up close with him, laughing at the whole situation. It had been pretty comical that Darnell couldn't lay a finger on Royce until the cops showed up and he'd taken a cheap shot.

  As they fell asleep that night, Tam wondered for the first time where this would lead after everything was resolved. She wondered if there really might be a future for her with Royce. Would he accept her chosen profession as a hacker and cyber vigilante? Would he understand? Or would he call her a criminal, just like her last boyfriend before Darnell had? Darnell had never known. She'd given him her cover story about testing firewalls for websites. She thought about Royce and decided he would have to know sooner or later. She didn't want to keep secrets from him. She thought she might be falling in love with him. She thought she'd been in love before, but Royce just made her feel... alive. He made her feel special. He wasn't even that experienced with women, but he'd been more than adequate to her... or if she was being completely honest, the best she'd ever had. He had seen to her needs before his own, and taken her to new heights of ecstasy. That alone spoke volumes about him right there!

  Royce, coincidentally, was thinking much the same thing. Cammie had called him Tam's boyfriend, and Tam had seemed to accept it. Knowing how much her family was involved, even peripherally, with a Mob Boss like Anthony Wolfe, made Royce a little more comfortable that she might accept his secret. He would have to figure out a way to tell her, though. He found himself falling for her, and falling hard. She was so beautiful. If he thought about what type of woman he favored, he would describe Tamara down to the finest detail. No other girl would do when he had a woman like her.

  * * *

  "Where does he work?" Darnell asked Ray, the tech geek that Mr. Wolfe had on payroll for IT problems.

  "It just says 'Self Employed', boss." Ray replied, conscious of Darnell's current state of inebriation and anger. "Hell, I can't even find his first name. Just an S. in front of Royce."

  Ray Hammond had hacked into DMV records and the Sunny Side Apartment complex records looking for any leads on this Royce guy that Darnell had a hard-on for concerning something the big man wouldn't talk about.

  "Shit, he's probably a fuckin' paparazzi." Darnell sneered. "You sure there's nothin' else on that punk bitch?"

  "Well, I can keep looking, and do a statewide and countrywide search, but for all intents and purposes, the guy's a ghost here in L.A." Ray shrugged, knowing that wasn't what Darnell wanted to hear.

  Darnell took several deep breaths. "Ok, fine. Just get it done and call me as soon as you find ANYTHING about him!" Darnell said between gritted teeth.

  "I'll run the photo he supplied to the Complex and see if I can get any hits on it, but I'm honestly not counting on much. I'll even run facial recognition through Homeland." Ray sighed. "D, I'll do what I can, but I can't promise anything right now."

  Darnell felt his anger cooling off. Ray was a good guy for a geek, and D knew that it wasn't his fault. "Ok, Ray. Thanks, man." He said evenly, then turned and left the A/V room.

  Ray breathed a sigh of relief and started his searches. He had backdoors cut in Homeland's firewall, as well as public records of all government run and church run institutions and facilities around the country. State, Federal, and Local governments were all within his sphere of influence. The problem was that a comprehensive search could take hours. He set the search engine running and went to get a can of Jolt out of the fridge downstairs.

  He was surprised and shocked when he found his search engine had picked up a 100% match by the time he'd returned.
br />   First initial, last name, and face all corresponded to the St. Agatha Orphanage up in Sacramento! He grinned and fished his iPhone out of his pocket to call Darnell.

  * * *

  Tam woke up to see Royce hanging by his feet from the bar in the bedroom doorway. His back was to her, and he was doing twists and inverted sit ups as he twisted his torso. The strange thing was that he was doing it freestyle, and wearing just a pair of boxers. He wasn't wearing the stabilizer boots with the hooks on them, but was just using his feet with his toes curled backward.

  He was softly counting to himself, but she distinctly heard the number "107" from his lips. When he got to 120, he threw his legs forward and dropped lithely to the floor, and without opening his eyes, jumped and grabbed the bar with his hands to do pull ups. She watched in fascination as he did 100 pull ups, and then dropped to the floor, fell forward, catching himself on his hands, and did 150 pushups. When he jumped to his feet, he then walked across the room with his eyes still closed, and into the bathroom. He didn't even turn on the light as he went into the shower and washed himself.

  Tam followed him in silently, and saw that his eyes were still closed as he showered naked under the hot spray. She smiled slyly and tiptoed across the linoleum floor and got into the shower stall with him. He turned and put his arms around her waist, then lowered his face to hers, kissing her lips passionately. What surprised her the most was that his eyes were still closed.

  "Mmhmm!" Tam moaned into his mouth as his tongue invaded, dancing with hers as she slipped her arms up around his neck.

  Royce opened his eyes and looked at her as they broke the kiss. "Did you enjoy the show?" He asked with a wink.

  The shocked look on her face said it all, and Royce explained. "When you woke up, your breathing pattern shifted, and then your panting when you watched me with the little gasps here and there let me know you liked what you saw." He grinned, and Tam laughed.